

Did you know that nearly two-thirds of the petroleum products in India are being used in the automobile sector? Our reliance on petroleum makes us vulnerable to price hikes and supply disruptions along with the threat of global warming and pollutions.

Globally the automobile industry is going through a paradigm shift . As the past century has been the era of internal combustion engines primarily on  account of the ease of use , availability and low cost of fossil fuels. The shift to electric mobility has become necessary on account of  fast depletion of fossil fuels, rapid increase in energy costs, impact of transportation on environment and concerns over climate change.

A part of the solution lies in the use of Electric Vehicles. Electric vehicles help in eliminating the threats because the electricity needed to power these vehicles are produced locally from hydel and thermal power plants and renewable sources, have zero emissions, low contribution to the carbon print and economically viable. Electrical vehicles in the commercial segments helps the customer reap in more profits because of the ease of operation and maintenance.

Kuttukaran Green Pvt Limited, is the latest edition to the most prestigious Automobile group who are pioneers in Automobile Spares and dealerships business having associated with several OEMs. The group originated in 1939 andis run by professionals who are committed to customer satisfaction and excellence.

Commitment of the group to the people of Kerala has been consistently acknowledged by the customers and our principals by constantly giving opportunity for expansion of business in Kerala. Now through the Kuttukaran Green Pvt Ltd, the group expands even further by proudly associating and presenting to the customers the ECOMARQ, the 3 wheeler goods and passenger electric vehicles from the house of APE.